Announcing La tribune - eRepublik's first global newspaper

Day 5,871, 04:20 Published in Poland United Kingdom by eerte

Here's the guidelines for contributions: Click here

Yesterday, as I relaxed beneath a tree, a newspaper unexpectedly fell on my head. In that very moment, the exclamation "eureka!" escaped my lips, giving birth to a simple yet brilliant idea.

For most of us, unless actively seeking information or connected through friendships, awareness of the latest global events eludes us.

I think it is disheartening that we miss out on so much that occurs beyond our immediate purview, and it appears nothing is being done to address this.

This is why I am excited to announce the creation of "La Tribune Internationale," a weekly newspaper set to be published every Sunday GMT+1. This publication will cover major events in each country around the world. To make this ambitious project a reality, we need volunteers and contributors from each of these countries, and they will be compensated for their contributions.

The newspaper will initially be published in the top 5 countries with the most active player base (because of the budget constraints). The goal is to reach as many people as possible and maintain an engaging project.

I want to connect the e-world through one single newspaper, one newspaper to bring them all, and in the darkness enlighten them..

Anyone eager to join this exciting endeavor is warmly welcome and encouraged to reach out to me through private messages or Discord with suggestions, ideas, or potential partnerships.
