Actual Platform- For the Erudites Among Us

Day 973, 20:35 Published in USA USA by Calebb

I'm running for Congress and need your vote. Here's why you should consider it!

V2 has messed things up pretty bad. People are leaving the eUS, wages are a shambles and the nation is broke. The 33rd Congress will be all about moving toward the future with optimism. We need more open markets, a better wage base, and some type of band-aid for regular work-a-day citizens until costs normalize based on wages.

Let's face it. War is fun. Without war, this game wouldn't exist.
The military is going to require a greater percentage of the US budget than ever before. Especially, if we want to keep up with countries like Serbia and Russia. More and more people are joining the military and militias so they don’t get left out of the battle module. More people means more required funding. I don’t want to be calling you comrade in the near future.

Active management of funds set aside for various parts of our budget have required extra care lately since the economic failure has created a serious tax income for the eUS. Careful and diligent management will be necessary for the coming months while we recover.

Foreign Policy
I'm Brolliance kind of guy, but that's about as far I'd like to see us go. We don't need to be in an alliance to have allies. You scratch our back, and we'll scratch yours.

Domestic Policy
The biggest problem we have in eRep is keeping the kids in school long enough to find out how much fun it can be. With the roll-out of V2, new ideas and fresh outlooks are going to be very important to hold the attention of our newest players.

I support the resurrection of the Department of Education and I support all outreach programs that work to communicate with new players to try to get them interested enough to give the game a chance.

Vote for Calebb in DC!
August 25th

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