The Endorsement Continues

Day 5,622, 06:29 Published in USA USA by Agamemnon Atreus

Agamemnon, the Leader of the proud Greek army, came home from the long Trojan War. In his absence, Clytemnestra has been having an affair with his cousin Aeigthus. Agamemnon arrives home with Cassandra, the daughter of Priam. She predicts the near future which is bound with blood. Clytemnestra invites them into the palace. She murders Agamemnon with no regret, believing it is avenging her daughter Iphigenia.

Agamemnon belongs to this family and like those who came before him, he is cursed. The story of this family starts when Tantalus, a cruel king loved by the gods, decided to try and trick the gods. Tantalus did the unthinkable and killed his only son (Pelops) then had him cooked. Tantalus put the meat of his son into a banquet which he then tried to feed to the gods. Unfortunately for Tantalus, the gods knew what the horrific meal was made out of and decided to punish him. The gods also brought Pelops back to life and the formerly dead prince led a happy life but the rest of his family did not.