[MoFA] Training war with Greece

Day 3,881, 02:19 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

Dear citizens of eIreland,
Dear citizens of eGreece,

I would like to welcome Greece in Ireland and to say thank you for the help Greece provided to Ireland last month. I hope the training war will be going well, it will be mutually beneficial and that we can provide a meaningful help to Greece too. In this article I will give an explanation about the background of the TW, why Greece needs this TW, and the history of the situation in which Greece is now.

Greece's original regions are occupied by Romania, which occupation dates back more than half year ago. In 2017 November Argentina, Chile and Ireland AS-ed Bulgaria in India, and this campaign has led to a big counterattack from the Asteria which resulted in many anti-Asteria countries becoming deleted. This was the time when Ireland became deleted by Peru too, and among others, Greece's original regions were captured by Romania.

Romania resetting regions in Greece

Greece hadn't become completely deleted at first, because they could keep regions in the form of a TW in Saudi Arabia. By 2018 January Romania started to go after Greece and the situation threatened with a full wipe. Hungary tried to help Greece. Since in that time Hungary was unlikely to be attacked by Romania directly, the idea was to create a buffer zone between Romania and Greece so that Romania could not reach Greece. This was successfully done, but the result was short lived, because Romania flew over Hungary by airstrike and shortly after deleted Greece.

Hungary separating Greece from Romania in 2018 January

Long time deletion affects every community negatively and also deprives them from certain features of the game for example the congress and the ability to propose laws like AS. Since Greece was unable to liberate itself on its own, and Romania was determined to keep Greece's original regions, the opportunities to escape the deletion came when Romania was resetting Greece's regions. These times Greece in cooperation with allies tried to find place for a new home.

The first time in March Greece flew and established a TW in Colombia. This TW lasted until Greece AS-ed Russia in April. As retaliation Bulgaria expelled Greece from Colombia and when Greece was removed from Russia, became deleted again.

In May there was an attempt to escape Greece to North Korea. In order Greece to come there, North Korea had to be liberated from China first. This wasn't successful because of the strong resistance from the Asteria countries, so Greece couldn't try to land.

Also in May Croatia and Greece launched a joint attack against Taiwan on its South Korean regions. The plan was that Greece would had remained for TW with South Korea. The Asterian countries concentrated their efforts on Greece's landing which they could prevent so Greece remained deleted for one more month, until the resetting in June, when they could come to Ireland.

Greece trying to land in South Korea

The training war with Greece is taking place in the regions of Louth, Dublin and Wexford. Besides there is another ping-pong type TW with Croatia between the regions of Rhode Island and Shannon.

Training wars are important for every country to improve the characters and to collect TP money. The TW with Ireland makes possible for Greece to prepare for the liberation wars more efficiently and to enjoy the features that are accessible only for the countries that have regions, for example the congress.

I hope with this TW the calamities Greece had in the last half year will come to an end and we are looking forward a more prosperous future. I wish Greece much strenght and success for the liberation and I hope they'll be free soon. And until then, I wish fun for the TW!

Αγαπαμε την Ελλαδα

Thank you for reading

MoFA of eIreland