[MoFA] The USA deleted

Day 3,798, 14:56 Published in Ireland Hungary by aimeisan

Dear citizens of eIreland,

Today the war has ended, the USA is wiped. Now we have 5 regions in the USA. Congratulations to the winners, and respect to the USA for the good fight! We did what we had to do; the USA attacked us and we responded, helped our allies in the first wave when it wasn't obvious that we will win. Thank you all for your courage, for your fight in the battles, and thanks to our allies, who did the large part of the work, without them all of this couldn't have been possible. It was fun, but from now on we have to think about what to do after the war. Romania started to take away regions from Croatia. We don't know what are their plans, but it's possible that Ireland, Hungary and Croatia will be removed by the Asteria. Croatia is looking for new target, and we will have to return to the usual way of life.

The USA wiped

The Pacifica tried to help the USA which failed for several reasons, partially because of unexpected events and the very good organization of Croatia and its allies. Poland came by AS on Egypt, but Egypt was cut off from Poland so they could remain in USA and Poland was removed by Croatia. Latvia came by AS on Thailand, but became accidentally isolated by Slovenia. Sweden didn't come because of a threat from Turkey, and Russia was attacked by Greece. On this front Greece will be soon removed. Unfortunately with this sacrifice Greece will be completely deleted again since their cores are still wiped by Romania and they lost their base in Colombia to Bulgaria.

Conquered regions on day 3798:

Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusets, Vermont

District of Columbia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia.

Montana, Wyoming

Arizona, New Mexico

Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington

Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North-Dakota, South-Dakota, Wisconsin

Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, North-Carolina, South-Carolina



Maine, New Hampshire

In Europe Serbia erased the core regions of Hungary, Ukraine and Iran are now after the remaining territories in Czech Republic through Slovakia and Austria. At the moment Hungary is trying to liberate Moravia to lose border with these countries.

The wars are summarized in an updated article by Shelby.

Thank you for reading

MoFA of eIreland