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Verenigd Nederland

Id-partypresident SpeeD94     NL Belanda     Pangkat nasional: 5    


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We are an international orientated party that stands for unity. Anyone can contribute and if it comes to eNL, our differences must be set aside to pursue our common goals! Party politics may never interfere with that. We expect from our members that they are active and have their own opinion.

Ahli-ahli 6

Associate Members 0

Haluan Center-right, Libetarian


Icon_position_politics_partypresidentJawatan parti presiden


Presiden Parti

Pilihanraya seterusnya dalam15 hari satu calon-calon  


2 ahli-ahli kongres

  8.33%  Kongres dari


Pilihanraya seterusnya dalam 25 hari

Icon_position_politics_presidentJawatan Presiden Negara

Pilihanraya seterusnya dalam 5 hari

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