You should know better America

Day 1,638, 20:19 Published in USA Canada by Thomas Arashikage

America wake up!

Why would you want a former ONE CP as POTUS? Artela claims eUK wasn't in ONE when she was in office. Bollux!
eUK was fighting heavily for ONE interests just as they always have since they left Terra.

She failed miserably in the Presidential debate to a far better speaker in Chickensguys who also had some great points. She barely posts a thing when it comes to the goings on in our country. Is there any reason why she was voted a second term? It wasn't for sheer performance I can tell you that much.

Now you might say that I'm writing this because she defamed me. Not true. I call things the way I see them. I'm not a sheep but if I was I'd be a black sheep.

I can't stand idly by when my country whom I valiantly fight for "on my own terms" is being laid to waste by such a thoughtless hack. If I weren't going to be away for the second portion of next term I'd run for CP. Sure I wouldn't get over 1000 votes my first time out but I'd do my best to make it interesting.

Get up! Get up! Wake up you sleepy heads!

Stop drinking the tea!
