Winter is Coming!

Day 2,246, 09:20 Published in Canada Canada by Thomas Arashikage

Greetings, salutations and bienvenue!

For those that don't know me, my name is Chance Harrison,

I'm currently a 3rd term Congressmen for the eCountry of eCanada.
I write to you all today for one simple reason. Well maybe a few....

First off, as many of you already know this game is dying or has already died for some.
All there really is left is "mashing" the fight button. So with that said I've fully embraced that concept.

However, like you I'm in eCanada and I enjoy having goals. Not like those of Jarome Iginla, Mats Sundin or Daniel Alfredsson, but goals like Level 101, 25 Merc Medals, and most currently... reach 1 billion damage for eCAN. It's kind of hard to do so when there are no battles to be had in the 13 regions of the realm. So what is one to do about this? As you can see below I made a proposal for eUK as Natural Enemy.

Those who know me will tell you that if there's anything I love more than mashing the fight button and collecting shiny things it's killing Brits. One might ask, "Well Chance we have a way of doing things here like debating and planning and such and hurr durr".

Well I for one am not going to stand by while some master debate while one of our brethren are trying to stave off 4 TWO countries. eUK, ePoland, eSpain and eSerbia.

So after asking our CP on the day of election (when it was certain he would be in office) if I could propose eUK as Natual Enemy so we could help eFrance he told me no. I tried to plead my case but I fell on deaf ears.

Now I have and always will be a man of the people, for the people and elected by the people. I know the people are bored. I know the people want TP medals and gold. I know the people deserve to have fun. After all this is a GAME. If I wanted to troll or be a d*ck I could have clicked on eUS as NE. I do apologize for not using the forum and entering dialogue there as to my intent.
What I will not apologize for his my will, tenacity and sheer enjoyment for this eNation.

In conclusion, I miss some of the best players to play this game not being here any more. I could go on and on but I think I'm said my piece.

Thank you for taking the time to read these few words.

Happy New Year!

BTW eUK....



I know I just met you, and this is crazy. So here's my number....

Chance Harrison4CP maybe?