Why We Have So Many Zombies

Day 971, 07:28 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

Warning : For those who is not interested in a serious and well thought article just vote and leave because this might be boring for you.

I've travel a lot in the new world and every where I go I will see the same question being ask and the question is "why we have so many zombies???" This article will probably be my last article for a long time and what I want to write in this article also have to do why I'm being a 4 clickers starting tomorrow.

Answering The Big Question

So why do we have so many zombies?It doesn't make any sense why people log in everyday just to work,train,study,rest and going to battle which will takes only about 30 minutes top.

They are not active in politics and they also not active in economy.This I can't answer because I don't know why this people still playing this game but the one question I can actually answer is why people are becoming zombies.

Why People Are Becoming Zombies

eRepublik is suppose to be a community game.Community mean we interact with each other and what I can see in eRepublik is that we are lacking on that.Right now you must be saying this in your mind "What the hack is he talking about?We chat and we PM each others regularly" and yes that is true but interacting based on who you are in eRepublik and not based on who you really are in RL is not what I call interaction.

To bond a strong relationship we must trust the other person who we are interacting with and hiding your RL identity in a relationship will prevent trust for both party.Everyday most of us will come back from work/school/collage or what ever you do and feel tired.We want to talk to someone and have a nice casual conversation about life and etc just to take of the burden of everyday life with a friend but this is not happening in eRepublik thus making people bored and become a zombie.

The players in eRepublik have taken what I want to call "The No RL Stuff" mind set to the extreme.Everyday when I log in into eRepublik for the first time of the day I will not have the feeling of excitement of seeing my friends in here.What I feel is "Ok,another day talking to this faceless people who just talk about bull sh*t".

For example in eMalaysia,as a former PP and 3 times congressman I've seen how our country work.Basically what I can say is it doesn't really work.We post something in the forum and discuss and fight about it for weeks and in the end come out with nothing.So why is this happening?Well because we have no trust.

Each of us cannot find an agreeable solution for almost anything because we don't trust each other.For example,how can I trust my own country president when I don't even know is in RL the CP really a he or a she or how can I have a matured argument with someone when I'm not sure if the person I'm dealing with is a 65 years old man or a 14 years old boy who thinks he knows everything?

In the end when you been through this thing for sometime now you will decided to become a zombie because you just had enough putting so much effort and time for people who you don't even trust and don't even bother to help you because they don't trust you either.

The First Step For Trust

For me personally I really hate talking to someone who I don't even know the person gender or RL name.I'm not asking a private question like are you still a virgin or not I'm just want to know what you do for living or if you still studying what course are you taking just some basic stuff to star a friendship based on trust.Whether the friendship going to get more personnel in the future is entirely up to you.

Today I've decided that I don't need to hide my self behind my nick.I've decided that today I just want to be who I really are and that is it because I hate having the feeling that I can't trust anyone and they don't trust me in this game .

That is me and my youngest cousin 😁

Name : Amirul Amin.An arabic name that have the meaning of "The honest leader"

Age : 20 Years Old

Hobbies : PC games,reading & collecting all sort of books & just like anything that have to do with history

Status : In a relationship

What I'm Doing Now : I'm doing my diploma in marine engineering for electrical and electronic

MSN : noveras1904@hotmail.com

YM : noves1904@yahoo.com

Skype : noveras1904

Basically that's pretty much about me.You can know more if you decided to be my real friend.So I'm sorry for the long wall of text but I just need to take this out of my mind.

Yours Truly,

Amirul Amin aka Noveras