Why the former SFP elites are monumentally stupid.

Day 3,874, 11:40 Published in USA USA by chickensguys

So you have probably heard the following, CG goes rogue again or he is literally Hitler.

What you probably have NOT heard is that was never my intention. I have zero motivations, I don’t want to be CP, I am not trying to create my own party, I am not trying to destroy the SFP or anything else. The short of it, is that I was completely blindsided by the fanatical power hungry SFP elites.

There is a sliding scale when it comes to behavior. When it became clear to me that these actors represented nothing more than bad faith and no amount of good faith would repair that relationship I opted to just ignore them. Why should I keep placating people who will fight over the most minuscule detail.

Here is a general time line of events.
Election Day 15th
CG is victorious 16th
CG makes RC thread on the 17th , which is on Father’s day and suggests an update to the broken RC system.
Same Day Shiloh accuses Strider of being an AFA member, because Shiloh is very very dumb and tells all the members that he does not trust CG.
I lay out the Congressional schedule.

Congressional Nominations shall open tomorrow
6/18/2018 Noon eRep time - End of the day reset on 6/20/2018 (2 1/2 days for nominations)
Congressional Voting
Start of 6/21/2018 - End of the day reset on 6/23/2018 (3 days of voting)

I suggest a discussion on a name change to assist in recruitment
Shiloh goes insane and curses out different members and when I asked him to stop derailing the thread, he wrote another block of rambling that no one read.
I accept we are not changing the name.
Jude Connors loses his mind over the discussion.
Artela being Jude’s play toy follows suit.
I send Niemand 50k for the housing program.
Day 18
Discussion on Mandatory Congressional articles.
Support is mixed.
Shiloh, Jude, RF Williams, Artlea and others, try to control the debate by forcing a party wide vote on it.
RC votes on the proposal and I post the vote results.
Jude and Artlea lose their mind.
Jude cries especially loud because I didn’t open Congressional voting on Father’s day even the schedule is posted.
Around this time Maxwell, decides to resign as spokeman because he is upset with Dom telling him in private Artela is a terrible person for constantly attacking the party.
Max resigns as spokeman because Dom refuses to apologize.
I created a discord room for cabinet discussions.
Artela yells like child in the discord chat for hours because I created it.
I delete the cabinet room.
Day 19
People are voting for Congress on the forum. But there is an organized effort among the small amount of elites that use the forum to exclude the leadership of the party.
They ban me and some of the party leadership from discord.
The previous day I pm’d the party, several people including strider were denied access to the forum. The forum vote is hidden behind masking and requires members to make an account. I asked to remove the unmasking and make it accessible, no one assisted.
I create a google poll for the disenfranchised members, turn out is nearly triple that of the forum.
The results are very different.
Niemand resigns and takes my 50k.
Day 20
The elites leave the party.
They encourage others to leave.
They spam the party feed.

What we have is bad faith after bad faith. Some people just couldn’t accept the result of the election. They attempted to use the constitution to control every situation. My refusal to open Congressional voting on father’s day, my suggestion of a name change, my suggestion of mandatory articles, Max resigning over Dom explaining why he hates Artela, the weird obsession with my cabinet room, the yelling over the screenshot votes of the RC, the organized effort by these elites to undermine party leadership. Everything ended in an autistic screeching that hurt my lovely ears. Enough is enough.

I refuse to work with terrorists. I am a pretty reasonable person and we could have worked together. Not everything needs to be a fight. Learn to compromise. Pick your battles. Fighting me tooth and nail over every little thing, wins you no friends.

Petulance my dear elites is not a sign of power, it is a sign of helplessness.