Why a Min Wage Greater than 1 is Bad

Day 555, 16:36 Published in North Korea Ireland by Artaxerxes Pavonis

Lets just go through the scenario:

Congressman Celio Azevedo here has proposed the raise of the min wage from 1 KPW to 2 KPW. Now this may seem good to most people (not so much for this congress) but what comes with the price of a higher Min Wage? Wait..? There is a cost to this? But thats ridiculous, its absurd. Just wait and I'll explain it to you. Most companies like myself employ the new citizens of this fine country at 1 KPW. And as sad as it is to say, that may even be too much. 0 skill workers don't produce 1 KPW of goods in their first few days. But thats the min for the Min Wage. So we deal with it. Now if that were to rise to 2 KPW that we'd be paying 0 skill workers, who would want to lose even more money to train these new citizens? No one. Except of course the State. Because the Congressmen would be panicking everyday from receiving 20 "there are no skill 0 job offers" alerts. So what do they do? They create the jobs themselves. Problem solved? No.

State Companies generally don't make money. Why? Because they have the 0 skill workers at the min Wage of 2 KPW which isn't profitable. But what do they care, they have thousands of KPW they can toss into these State Companies to offset the costs. But... where do all of these thousands of KPW come from? We already don't have a lot as it is. (Other news, admins have perma banned the PTO ORG with the 60k KPW, hopefully, we can get the back soon.) But even with all that cash, it can't pay for everyone all the time. So whats needed? Thats right! Higher Taxes! Hooray! 😕

So in the end, a higher Min Wage just results in the need for higher taxes. and even higher taxes the more the Min Wage goes up. But hey! if you're all for higher taxes, go right ahead. Good luck with that.
