Who is the IFP {UPDATED} ?

Day 2,146, 08:28 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

I decided to write an article about my parry, the IFP. But what to write is the question? I could tell you we are a center right wing party and the oldest in Ireland. But no one really cares about that stuff. I could say we are the “best and most active party in the country” but that is a bunch of crap and I would sound like MUFC. I could say we put country before party and have a great team of people in the party. All true but it is just words and sounds like propaganda. In actual fact political parties are more social clubs so I figured I would write a few articles telling you about our members. The members are the center of the party, the party works for its members.

Going to do this by a few contests. Any one other then IFP members can enter First one is going to be guessing the Real life country our members live in. There are two lists below. 1-11 Real life home and a-k IFP member. The person who matches the most wins 20 Q7 weapons. I will update the article with correct answers in 24 hours so check back if you want to know.

1. Ohio USA
2. Cork
3. Cork
4. Wien Austria
5. North Carolina USA
6. Galway
7. Galway
8. Dublin
9. Arkansas USA
10. Budapest Hungary
11. England

A. Elysium Falls
B. Rikian
C. Elite C
D. CuFaoil
E. Lactic Acid
F. Shane Kelly
G. Gormley
H. 5n4eyes
I. Ronan
J. Moomoohead
K. Bhane

Correct Answer

Elysium Falls...........Dublin
Elite C.................Galway
CuFaoil.................Budapest Hungary
Lactic Acid.............Wien Austria
Shane Kelly.............Galway
Moomoohead..............North Carolina USA
Bhane...................Ohio USA

The next contest will be members favorite sports team and then Real life occupation or what they are studding.