Which Alliance should Ireland join?

Day 1,917, 20:49 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

There is a theory in world alliances that I subscribe too. The world is in equilibrium when there are two world powers which are equal in size. Any other situation will just be working to this equilibrium. The reason this works is if you have more than two alliances, or groups of alliances, the two bigger alliances will attack and divide the smaller alliances instead of going at each other. This is what we have now in the world. CoT and TWO/ACT are now the two big boys in the world. Eden is much smaller, ACT is a part of TWO, and Asgard is a very small. So the two big alliances attack and eat up the smaller ones. This theory says that what will eventually happen is the smaller alliances will break up or align themselves with one of the bigger alliances. EDEN cannot form a sub allegiance with TWO or CoT because it is currently at war with both, and some of its members would prefer different partners to join. What delays this from happening is poor leadership, history, and Friendships countries do not want to break. In the last several months with CoT becoming stronger and stronger it has pushed this eventual outcome. Recent countries to leave EDEN are Portugal, Ireland, Argintina.

So what does this mean for Ireland? I think we will eventually join CoT or maybe Asgard who is aligned with CoT. We voted down joining a few weeks ago but in the next six months we may have to. Countries do what is in their best interest and fortunately or unfortunately we have nothing TWO of CoT wants. Since Iboy has “retired” I do not think we have thought enough strategically as a nation. I wrote this article as an individual, not as a member of the government, to spur open and frank decision on the subject.

Two good articles were written recently about this subject. In the first one listed below, you can see a map of world MPP and the current polar relationships in the world. In the second one, it predicts what the shape of the two world super powers would be.

1. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-tbre-alliances-of-the-eworld-day-1914-2213389/1/20

2. http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/what-might-happen-when-eden-is-no-more-cot-vs-two-2213486/1/20

Another interesting force on alliances could be the cost of MPP. The world economic situation makes it tough for some countries to sign with a whole alliance. Raven recently reported how some CoT countries are struggling with this. I think this will not force the breakup of big alliances, but it could make smaller sub alliances more prevalent. This is what Asgard might turn out to be. The high cost of signing MPP could make being an “independent” country a little harder when aligance countries have a hard time paying to stay in an aligance.

Tell me what you think.