
Day 1,112, 09:25 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

Yesterday's article was a change for me! I'd like to thank Geno Garon for telling me how to use the [IMG]tags in my articles. It took a while but yesterday, I found the perfect way to start! Also thanks for everyone's positive comments. Yattaze![/img]

Things are already looking up. As most everyone knows by now, eJapanese candidate Kita Ikki won a landslide victory yesterday against Indonesian national and suspected PTO candidate Calon Rakyat Jelata. The Imperial Diet is also getting back up to speed with a couple of new threads in our Congress forum after the elections. There are also a couple older threads that are getting interest, most notably the economic ones. To take advantage of the new resource mechanics, a few of us wanted to trade resources with South Korea. We could trade Fruit or Aluminum in exchange for Jeju's Grain. Unfortunately, it does not look like this will happen. The new battle mechanics could make resource trades cost-prohibited for all but the larger nations, which have the military strength to keep them in the face of Resistance Wars started by medal hunters. The consensus seems to be to wait and see for now. Citizens are invited to view or join in the debates at the link below:

I am also really excited by some new activity in the ULJ. The Party President, Akira Kaburagi, unfortunately will go a few weeks without regular access to the Internet on a PC, although he is connecting with a mobile and aware of events in-game. However, in exchange, we've had a great amount of activity from new members, in the ULJ's forum on the national site. The most active is Master Tigers, an experienced citizen who recently immigrated from France and is now one of our Congress Members. He is behind the revival of the ULJ avatars, which had been drawn by Tanaka Fujimori but became harder to find once he quit. I am really excited at all this enthusiasm and invite all Lolies to check out our forum here:

Because the forum might not recognize you, new or unregistered citizens will have to register according to the instructions here:

I hope to see a lot of enthusiasm and activity in the days ahead.