Where is the Money of the OBM?

Day 512, 12:47 Published in Mexico Mexico by Dhoo

Some just ask me if I know, why the OBM don't have any money on it? First I just think the President Dish it was move it to somewhere but I think that if he do that he will make a Article a Post in the Forum or at least launch a Shout. And I have not see any of it.

Then... I decide to investigate. And I find this:
- Organizacion Bancaria Mexicana
- Organizacion Bancaria Mexicano

Some [Censored] [Censored] son if [Censored] it is trying to fool us again. Maybe not right now, but someday in the incoming future. I think, all the [Censored] New World, think that the Mexicans are just [Censored]. But we are not! Not if I'm around!

If you have not notices, the two names are exactly the same. The main different it is the fake OBM it is written incorrectly, the sentence is badly written. In Spanish, the term "Bancaria" it is feminine so the national adjective it has to be in feminine too. That's why the REAL (Organizacion Bancaria Mexicana) OBM finish with a "A" and the buggest and FAKE (Organizacion Bancaria Mexicano) OBM finish with a "O".

Then for future Money transactions DO NOT SEND MONEY to the Organizacion Bancaria Mexicano.


La versión en español vendrá más adelante. Por el momento decir que Organizacion Bancaria Mexicana en el banco de México y que la Organizacion Bancaria Mexicano la creo un [Censurado] que no sabe bien español para tratar de [Censurado].