What Needs To Be Done

Day 610, 12:49 Published in Canada Israel by Chaim Dov

Today my morale and hope for eCanada has disappeared by the current actions that have now taken place. Today I awoke to find out PEI has been taken again and that Quebec was lost to eFrance. As I watch the events unfold and as I watch known figures in eCanada say this and that in the name of politics I wonder if they even care what happens to those who are under occupation? Twice I had to find out that eFrance had taken Prince Edward Island and while I can't fight in this war I am doubtful.

I am a proud eCanadian but I have lost hope and faith to our leaders and military leaders. While many people criticize about the efforts to liberate Prince Edward Island but failing to protect Quebec is reasonable but it shows to the people living under eFrench rule you do not care about us. I was shocked, upset and confused on how a country so proud so determined to win back eCanada from eFrance bicker and attack other people during this war? Aren't we to stand united against the invader?

Aren't we to set an example to the world that we can win that we can never be beaten or crushed? I thought we stood for that but I guess I was wrong. I guess all that matters is win the war by any costs even if you lose provinces and you forget about the people. I served in the Canadian mission in the Hungary-Czech Republic War and I fought in four battles and I remember such bickering didn't occur and national pride was at a high.

Well I could be wrong our pride may be high but I don't think it was. I feel sometimes eCanada will be defeated. That we will never win this war that the French will continue to smash us. But I wish not to think about that but think about what we can do. It's now time we get our act together and become united. It's now time we stop labeling things as mistakes like the Liberation of Prince Edward Island. It's now time to get our act together and remember that there are people who want to see that Canadian flag again.

I'm getting tired of seeing the same damn French flag. I want to be able to be part of eCanada again to be able to have eCanadian currency of all things! But I want to see a plan what to do to help those who remain beyond eCanada who live in provinces that have been taken over.

Now is the time for us all to take needed action for eCanada.