What is Hungary doing right now?

Day 783, 13:07 Published in Serbia Czech Republic by Rhual
Recently, Hungary got a wake-up call from Serbians. It says that we act selfish and do lesser damage in the battles. That is correct, but well Hungary is right now getting back on its feet after spending a massive amount of cash in WW4.

The battles against eRomania on many fronts (on our owns, on Bulgaria's, etc.) were extremely costy. The first part of WW4 was basically attacking and tanking non-stop. The current government in Hungary is raising golds and we're getting there. No-one is leaving Phoenix (even though Romanian propaganda wants you to believe that), but the fact is we're living tougher times. Less money for tanking, but we didn't and won't leave you.

What is there to do?
1. Well, we're expecting some babies to arrive – kind of a minor baby boom. That should get the economy running better.
2. Hungary is currently preparing for ally-only mode. (yeah i made that phrase up) So there'll be no other goals but to help and defend our friends and allies. Golds better spent than to attack Romania in another 2-day-war.
3. Be patient. If we try and save a bit, we succeed. We already are in a far better situation then a few days ago.

With respect for our Serbian brothers,

Rhual (eHungarian citizen)