What does the IFP stand for this Congress election

Day 1,770, 16:35 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

The new political changes in the game mean that you will be voting for a party instead of an individual in congress elections. This article will define what the Irish Freedom Party stands for and who you will be voting for this month in our party. We hope by providing this information, the voters can make a more informed choice tomorrow.


We are Ireland’s second oldest party being founded by 5N4keyes and others in the first months of this game. Today we are a collection of semi active old members, current ministers, and new eager players. We are all very independent people and each have our own views. Through most of our history we had a right wing bias but are experienced enough to know that this has very little meaning in the game. To define what our party stands for, we recently conducted a party survey to find common platform. There are four areas that will define us in congress this month:

· Support of new players. The founder and current leader of boot camp are IFP members not to mention Mal, the person who elevated it to what it is today. We also have two previous new citizen ministers. But we actually go father then just supporting new players. We place getting new players elected to congress as a key priority for our party. Last month we identified them in our voting spreadsheets and got two elected. This month we are putting new players first in our priorities to get elected. We believe, getting new players engaged in politics early will improve retention rates, a key problem of this country.

· We would also like to change the current system of financing our military. 91% of our members would like to see gun subsidy on the IRC end in favor for direct MU funding. The reasons for wanting to see this end are varied. Our congressman will work to put a new proposal forward to the government in the next month. We believe this is a fundamental difference between our party and a lot of the other parties in Ireland.

· The small size of the active community in Ireland is one of the key issues facing this nation. Player retention and recruitment of experienced players are some of the possible solutions. Our party believes the first solution should be to concentrate on bring old eBorn citizens back to Ireland. Bickering and trolling in the past has led to a lot of good Irish citizens going to other countries. We would like to reverse this trend and work to bring back some of these citizens.

· We Support our current treaty with UK and staying a member of EDEN. These views were expressed in our party survey by a large majority of our members.


We have agreed on a set of rules to select our canadites order this month. They are posted below:

1. Active members who have never been elected to congress before, (oldest to youngest)

2. Active members who did not get elected in the previous month whether they ran or not (oldest to youngest)

3. All other active party members (youngest to oldest)

4. Small party Canaanites that asked to run (as voted on by party)

5. Any player who does not make active requirements (young to old)

6. Party president and Country president

Active member’s requirements

•Been citizen or eBorn for a month prior to election

•Been a member of our party for a month before election or in past

•Fought every day the week before election

•If you have been PP or vPP of IFP before you are automatically considered active

Our current voter order is listed below. We expect to get between 3 and 7 congressmen elected this month. John G. and R. asked that their names be moved lower on the list to give others the opportunity. They are both always the gentleman, thanks

Current list of people running and the order based on criteria above.



3. Malbekh2-b

4. DreadedEstate2-d

5. micutzu2-e

6. Rikian1776 3-a

7. Anthony Colby 3-b

8. John Gormley 2-a (volunteered to move down list)

9. Ronan 2-c (volunteered to move down list)

10. Milesian 5-a

11. Ezrebel 5-b

12. Ostdeutsche 5-c

I would like to personally wish everyone running for congress tomorrow regardless of your party, good luck, and I hope the new changes bring eIreland a stronger congress in the future.