Weirdness on the Recent Presidential Election of Indonesia

Day 1,203, 20:30 Published in Greece Armenia by Gagak Rimang

lets take a look at weirdness on the recent presidential election of indonesia :

Moderators cut van obe's vote 9 hours after the elections are over (3 hours after 6 hours checking time). Look at in this link :
1. Between 00:00-06:00, results are displayed as Intermediate Results, as Admin veries that Multi-accounts were not used.

But see the weirdness here:
- Matahari is supported by an unknown party that has 9 members only.
- van obe is supported by a major party + 3 others parties.

I feel that some people who have moderator connections are not happy about van obe's winning and pushed their moderators acquiantainces to change the result to change the votes in Matahari's favour after the 6 hours checking time. But they are not being fair, because the moderators aren't checking Matahari's votes close enough for multies votes.
