War of the eWorld !

Day 910, 10:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil
No one knew at the ending of V1 that eWorld affairs were being watched
from The Real Spamicans head quaters.
No one could have dreamed that they were being scrutinized as someone
with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.
Few men even considered the possibility that the Spamicans were
plotting.And yet, across the country,minds immeasurably sillier than
yours regarded this eWorld with mocking eyes,and slowly,surely,
we drew their plans against it.

It is true The Real Spamicans are now ready to announce
our plans for the comming of V2 to the eUnited Kingdom!
As with the Martians in H. G. Wells war of the worlds we plan
on leaving the eUK and taking the entire population with us

We shall board out Region Oppressor British Isle Nullifiers R.O.B.I.N's
and as with the Martians leave our homeland and reak havok across the entire eWorld !

The Boffins at Spamican HQ have used cutting edge technology to create the R.O.B.I.N's basing them on the Martian Tripods.

As you can see from these blue prints the R.O.B.I.N's carry a crew
of four so with our current population 1871 will be needed.

Although at the moment we have produced only two R.O.B.I.N's
we are getting quicker and should be ready to implement our
cunning plan sometime around the middle of December 2025

We are confident this will still be before the Admins implement V2
So while other nations are adjusting to the change we can strike!

As you read this our chief tester David James is putting the first of
our Region Oppressor British Isle Nullifiers fleet through their paces.
Ensuring that come the auspicious day the mobile eUKers and thier
quest for eWorld domination will succeed!

Nothing can stop us for once we have abandoned these shores we are all but invulnerable to attack as we shall take what we need from our vanquished minions and then trundle onto our next victory!

The awesome sight of our R.O.B.I.N's sweeping across the battlefield
will spread terror among our enemies and surely bring us victory !

So i say to you my fellow eUKers although i know it will be hard to leave these shores behind us it is to Conquest and Glory for the
eUK that we head !

You will shortly be recieving your R.O.B.I.N manuals,please read this thoroughly so that upon issue of your vehicle there will be no delay

We will also supply a list of items that we recomend you take with you once you've transfer to your new mobile home,
A sturdy bucket is a must as we were unable to fit any toilet facilities.



H. G. Fossil 😛
