Vote Erius in Singapore City!

Day 1,191, 23:23 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

[Pahoittelut suomalaisille lukijoilleni, mutta tämä artikkeli on kirjoitettu vain englanniksi]

Some music for you my readers;

Greetings, my fellow citizens!

Over one year ago White Lion Order – Order of tewionist knights – left eSingapore and moved forward in our quest to help smaller eNations. Over one year ago our small but effective organization tried to help eSingapore and it`s citizens to build their country a better place to live.

White Lion Order (WLO) has visited eSwitzerland, where we fought against shaolin PTOers. We visited eCyprus and helped that new nation to survive from PTO attempts (although soon after we had left, they were conquered by turks and greeks). Our members have served different nations as a ministers and congressmembers. A lot has happened since we left this sacred land, but we never forget our roots here.

And few months ago, people of Singapore saw once more the flag of White Lion Order on the shores of Singapore City. We landed here and started once more our work for eSingapore. During the war against eMalaysia, we used hundreds of gold to secure battles, to win single rounds and to defend Singapore. In times of peace, we`ve done our best to help this glorious nation to rise from the depths of agony. Well... not we, while I`ve been mostly in eFinland...

Yesterday I moved back to eSingapore City – the old and sacred homeland of mine. Before this I`ve only visited here when you waged war with Malaysia. I`ve been away quite long... Too long.

After I got bored with Finnish politics I decided to move back to Singapore and to join the ranks of my beloved White Lion Order. WLO has developed a lot since our first crusade, but still there is a lot to do before we can truly achieve the goals that our holy White Father, Tewio has appointed to us.

Congressional Elections

My first intention was to stay in Finland for another term and to run for congress, but while I can`t stand finnish politics anymore, I decided that now when I`m back in Sing once again, why should not run for congress. To those, who don`t know me, I wrote down a short eHistory of mine (it`s really short);

eHistory (short)

I started my eLife in eUK where I spent my early days before coming of V1. After V1 I moved to eNorwey, which had conquered my RL homeland, Finland. Me and my fellow finns fought to free Finland, but with so many bugs in game (because of V1) I decided to quit before I truly had started to play this game.

After couple of month`s from my eDeath I noticed in forums that my old friend, Okkius Pyromanius, was joined the race for eFinland`s presidency. I decided to help my friend and I came back from the dark halls of eHell, where (as someone say) I belong.

Here`s some achievements from the time after my resurrection:

8x Congressmember
Ambassador to Spain (from Finland)
Ambassador to Singapore (from Finland)
2x Representative of Ambassadors (Finland)
2x Party President of Red Jihad
President of Finland
President of Singapore
Minister of Information (Singapore)
Minister of Information (Finland)
3x Advisory Representative (to Sol from Singapore)
2x Representative (to Sol from Singapore)
Ambassador to Sol (Singapore)
Chairman of Sol
2x Minister of Recruiting (Finland)
2x Minister of Immigration and Education (Finland)
2x Party President of Tewionist Party of Singapore
1x Party President of Enarchist Party of Singapore
2x Minister of Foreign Affairs (Finland)
Minister of Internal Security (Singapore)
Former Member of SolDiers
14x Battle Hero
8x Super Soldier
Vice-President of Singapore
Founder of White Lion Order

Most of these titles are meaningless and not so important (well... as a Minister of Information in Singapore you`re not gonna have much work to do while MoD and other ministries will write their own articles when needed to and almost nothing special will happen in a month). They don`t tell anything else but that I`ve seen eWorld and that I have some connections in foreign countries (and maybe some experience in some areas of this game and it`s mechanics). Also, I am currently working as a Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland in Finnish goverment.

I, like most of the candidates, wish to be able to help normal citizens of eSingapore the whole society as a congressmember. While I`ve been away from Sings politics quite long, I need to refresh my image about our economics and foreign affairs. Still as a former president, minister and congressmen of eSingapore, I am still eager to do everything I can for this nationIf I can help in anyway, I`ll do it.

Even if I wont get into our congress, I`ll be at your service any time, any where. So that`s all for now - I wish best of luck to other candidates. Vote Erius in Singapore City on 25th!

Best regards;

Erius, citizen of eSingapore and a dedicated member of White Lion Order

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