Voetsek Argentina

Day 2,225, 04:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by Miyagiyoda

Yesterday our acting President, El Reto, asked the President of Argentina to release KwaZulu-Natal. He refused to comply.

Our relationship with is ancient. Argentina first crossed South Africa when they were in BIA, an alliance between Brazil, Indonesia and Argentina. Back then, they cowered in their corner supporting wars by MPP. When Brazil had carved a path through South Africa to assault Australia, Argentina made an opportunistic attack on us over our wounds. They were eventually repelled, but it set the tone for our discourse for many years.

Several things happened in the intervening years, but I won't bore you with details. The result was always the same - Argentina is no friend of South Africa. We try, we tango, we end up further apart.

More recently, Brazil and Argentina have been on opposite sides. South Africa had a long standing rental agreement with Brazil. We eventually decided to end it because Brazil effectively caged us in and refused to comply when we required regions to be released or delayed the return of regions when we gave up extra regions to them to help them in their Romanian Anti-Take Over efforts. Relationships have to go both ways to work. Argentina chose to step into the void promising respect and liberty.

Like all new romances, the first few weeks were magic. We overlooked obvious problems and made an effort to smooth over differences. But, unfortunately, just like romances, the relationship matured and people fell into old patterns.

Argentina's Congress refused our rental requirements. We ask rent because the territory is ours and we expend resources to help the tenant keep it safely. Recently we have received promises of rent and the return of our taxes, but we have yet to see anything materialise. Some South Africans noted we are being strung along. The majority said to wait it out and see. Give Argentina a chance to show their true colours.

We have asked for wipes to help us politically, which Argentina refused several times. They site fear of becoming an Empire, but frankly, a wipe of 3-4 days hardly creates that "danger". The cited extra resources wasted to help us... but a country their size makes our domestic wars barely register on their radar. Some others say they have struck a private deal with the Lazocrasi. The majority are now very uncomfortable.

What we do know is that Argentina are all talk. We asked for the release of KZN which is our right. They have always acknowledged that they merely keep it to keep us safe... they need not the resources. So why do they not release it?

Some say Argentina are now pro-CoT.
Some say Argentina are now in bed with Chile.
Some say Argentina are still the liars they have always been.

Nobody says they are friend.

South Africa are not a colony or a protectorate. We are a sovereign nation. Nobody dictates out politics to us. Nobody tells us who we may call friend. Nobody tells us what we can and cannot do in our home.

I believe we have enough evidence to act decisively. South Africa do not need another abusive relationship like the one we had with Brazil. Argentina taking what they want and ignoring us one thing. Actively opposing us raises the ante. It is time to walk away, and if they strike out like a drunken husband, we call in the family to settle this permanently.

Nobody is too big to go down.
Nobody is too big to get away with abuse.
Nobody is too big to be sorry.

Amandla, Awethu.
Power to the people. Create your destiny. Act.

TL😉R Enough is enough.