To Mr. Hacker: Respect Begets Respect

Day 992, 12:09 Published in Slovenia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

This is a Letter to the Person involved in the recent hacks:

Dear Sir,
This is to bring to your notice that there has been some devastating changes in erepublik. well i must say that your talent is awesome. I must say you are very good in your task. but what is the outcome????

Fun for 1 -2 day or at the maximum for a week.

well after that the entire erepublik goes into waste. the planning , strategy all goes down the drain. People will start loosing interest if this an regular affair. It causes great nuisances for both players and admins . and pretty soon all players will leave in mass droves then this great game will be another chapter in history.

So please sir, please do not ruin the fun and the game for all of us. here we have good fun fighting each other. and if there are continuous hacks and if one alliance wins then both alliances will start to leave the game.

So please let the game run its usual path, it is more fun in this way. So sir if you want to get respected please respect others and then others will respect you.

So i will really appreciate of you use your talent in a more productive way. i am sure that if you use it the right way, the whole of erepublik will stand up and salute you.

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