The Time Of Two Clicker

Day 969, 01:35 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

In every eCitizen life there will be a time when he or she are forced to be a two clicker and today my time has come.Today I just arrived at my university for the new semester and this semester I will have to confront with my biggest challenge yet,my final year project.

So what I'm going to do for my final year project?Well I'm building a radar.Yes a functional radar.Well with that said I guess you guys can already imagine the amount of time I will be spending in completing the project.This also mean that I have less time for erepublik and with the 3rd rated wifi service provided by my university I am forced even more to be less active in erepbulik.I will still keep up to date and give my opinions on all the issues that seems to me needed my opinion.So,take care everyone!!!

Yours Truly

Noveras "The Rebel"

P.S : I am unable to post Che picture because of the stupid wifi