The Principles of We The People

Day 4,071, 12:53 Published in USA USA by chickensguys
The Principles of We The People.
These last 30 day as PP have been marked by tremendous success. My goals laid out in my inaugural address were hard fought but proved quite achievable. Surrounded by a great team our Party took home the second most Congressional votes in the National Election and our Party became the 2nd largest party in America. These are no small tasks and were only possible because of everyone supporting the We The People Party, the greatest party in these eUnited States. I could not have done this alone.

I am reminded of a now long eDead Player and former WTP member, named Oblige who diligently and competently executed the Office of Party President and the Presidency of these eUnited States on many occasions. Shortly before he quit the game he sent me a message.

“The bulwark of incorrigible elitism which has plagued eRepublik has proven to be far more formidable than I ever thought possible. If success will come, it will manifest itself from an eagerness to build coalitions, create dialogues, spread ideas, and honor patronage.” Oblige 2017

We The People have done just that. By encouraging decency, understanding, becoming accessible, supporting one another, and respecting all members, we have thrown off the yoke of mediocrity and now seek to build a future for all citizens to be empowered. At the end of the day, our success was possible because of you!

So thank you all very much.

P.S In case you missed it. The CIA MU and the WTP are now officially associated. If you want a smaller MU with a great bunch of folks, consider joining.