The liquidation of Spectrums leadership !!

Day 889, 08:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil
A war has begun in the eUK after the
Real Spamicans infiltrated the Spectrum
party's HQ and made a shocking discovery.....

Their leader plans on nothing
less than world wide sillyness!

For the good of the eUK and the whole eWorld the Real Spamicans
have ordered the whole Spectrum leadership be liquidated...

The Spaminator has been set loose for the good of us all.

As PP Joachim von Bremen was first on the list,
after tracking him down to the warehouse he uses
to store his 'special' magazines...

the Spaminator took him out in what the
ePolice called a tragic porn-related accident.

After some persuasion Andy Millward admitted that
he had orchestrated the Spectrum media campaign

the Spaminator threw him off the Woldy
memorial for raising everyones expectations,
only to have them dashed on the day

The Spaminator tried to reason with John Bartlett,
his efforts were of no availl,
John was also mercilessly dispatched

The Spaminator said...
"I tried to explain why his new party was wrong
but he wouldn't listen,i think he eventually got the point"

Using his connections in the Special Forces Spaminator
organised a training accident for Tomazim

MoD Tom Morgan was quoted as saying...
"Tomazim would have wanted to go this way,
he was always saying he should be tanked!"

After being tricked into attempting to rescue Bob Boblo
from admin perm-ban jail Lando Khan was thrown into
FDs peat bog of doom and as he sank

His final words where to admit his mistake....
"TRS is the one true silly party,what was i thinking ?"

It a twist that showed even the Spaminator
has a sence of humour and irony

roadrunnerspeed was weighed down with
government gold and thrown into the shark
infested waters off the Philippine coast.

Luring Longbaugh to a deserted region
of Wales with promises of Ovine pleasure,
the Spaminator struck once again.

Mountain rescue said it that the fact Longbaugh
was crouched over the sheep had saved it's life,he however
took the full force and had his bottox ripped clean off.

lap12345 was thrown from a fast moving car
on his way to a Spectrum rally

This had nothing to do with the Spaminator,
trouble in Spectrums ranks already ?

Lemuel Gengulfus is the last on the
list and has yet to be tracked down

But the Spaminator always gets his man,
so it's only a matter of time Lemuel !

So be warned ! There's room for
only one silly party in the UK !

(Being silly by mistake is no excuse)

The Real Spamicans

UK's only Silly party or else !

Horice 😛
