The elites have decided for you

Day 4,094, 00:50 Published in USA USA by chickensguys

The elites have decided, Maxwell will be your president whether you like it or not. Resist this rather sinister notion while you can but know it is coming. The great irony of the upcoming election is the embrace of someone, whose biggest claim to fame is the ability to put pen to paper on a semi-weekly basis. I must say, I am hardly impressed. Maxwell has no qualifications when it comes to foreign affairs or even war. He does not buy packs, he does not tank, and at best he would make a fairly forgettable civilian time president but certainly, without a doubt, no wartime President.

The only possible saving grace for the incoming President is that he will be controlled and used as a puppet by the sitting establishment. Though even this, seem rather hopeful when nearly his entire cabinet is filled with sycophants and other useless characters that are of little consequence.

The great question is why did the elites refuse to put on a lively race. I believe the answer is that they are convinced, without the support of the SFP, the WE THE PEOPLE party would dominate the Presidential elections. So in order to cling to power, to cling to relevance and self-importance, they have embraced someone who has no business occupying the Presidency at this crucial time.

Resist it while you can, but it won’t be for long.