The Current Situation

Day 724, 14:29 Published in Singapore Finland by Erius

Greetings, my fellow singaporeans

We live hard times. In these times it is very difficult to find kind and friendly words to be told to our friends and allies – still we`ve done it. Our friends in Malaysia know that we support them – what ever will happen.

In past few days I`ve noticed that some people have paniced because our current situation. Some indonesians have published very threatening articles to our media and this has caused fear in some people. Many citizen`s have asked what we are going to do if Indonesia get`s mad because of help we gave to Malaysia and attack us. They have feared what will happen if our big and terrifying neighbour is going to cross our border.

I`ve decided to explain this throught so that people can focus on much important things than just panic because there is no need for it. Our goverment has plans for up coming and if we are attacked by any nations we are ready to act. I hope you will read this article throught and think about it. You can also ask questions if you have one (or two) – I will try to answer.

Indonesia, Italy and France have decided to leave PEACE. Some countries have celebrated these news because it means that PEACE is crumbling. Still this is not yet the end of PEACE. There is still many other powerful countries like Hungary, Serbia and Russia who are going to keep going together – atleast for a while.

Indonesia, who launched attack against Malaysia couple days ago, are no longer members of any alliance. This will mean that they don`t have any obligations towards any other countries. This wont mean that they don`t have friends or allies – nor that they are weak. They are still a powerful nation and they got many allies and friends which would help them if they ask. The last thing we should do is to underestimate them – I`m sure none of us has yet made that mistake.

Indonesias attack to Malaysia has been succesful. They invaded Southern Thailand and there is three Resistance war open in Thai regions. Torchwood and some volunteers are in Malaysia and fight in those battles. This action has enraged Indonesia`s goverment – some indonesians say that they think this action as a ”treachery” and that they are going to do something with it. This can be understanded as an open threat to us.

Some one might think now, that if it is an open threat why we should not panic? The first reason for this is because those claims are not from Indonesia`s goverment. For now they are just speculation of normal citizens of Indonesia – poor propaganda which meaning is to scare us. That`s not an official statement from Indonesia`s goverment and so it`s not the ultimate fact.

Indonesia has a war with Malaysia now – their attention in that war and it would be almost grazy to start war with one small nation which send only couple warriors to fight against them – we are not a threat to Indonesia and they know it. We might have enraged them, but they know that we can`t do a much damage in Malaysias battles. If they attack us now, they haven`t thought it enough and so they make a mistake.

It would be also madness to attack Singapore now. We don`t have an open war with Indonesia and so they would have to declare war before their attack. This would mean that have to pay a high cost (If I calculated right that would cost something like 900g) for war itself – and then from the attack. After they would have launched their attack the battle itself would be a hard to win. We have many allies and friends who would come here to help us and indos would have to use much gold to win that battle. And then... what they would gain? There is nothing special here – nothing valuable enough for them to attack. They would only get our last region and that would be easy to take back some day. That would be just too expensive for them to do right now. If I would be part of Indonesia`s goverment I would plan to do a market attack and try to unbalance our economy – that would be much easier way to revenge our ”treachery”.

So... But what if they still attack us? Now I`m gonna tell you what would happen if Indonesia would launch an attack against our beloved Singapore.

First Indonesias president proposes a war with us to their congress – their congress start`s voting which is going to last 24 hours. In this time our goverment would send help request to our allies and ask them to send help to us. We would put a voting on in congress to donate all money from our country`s treasury to our national org`s so that indos couldn`t get anything. We would also start to organize our troops – Homeguard and Torchwood – and also normal citizens and full media with goverment`s information articles and battle orders. This way we could be sure that every citizen knows what to do when the battle opens. When indo tanks would cross our border there would be our own army fighting against them.

When the battle itself would open we would share orders to our citizens and troops through the whole day. At least after 12 hours of battle have gone we could be sure where our help comes from and is it realistic to even wait victory. We would fight with our friends till the fairy end and then see what`s going to happen. If we are lucky and all friends and allies have done their best then it would be possible that we won the battle. If it was not enough then we would loose and our country would loose it`s indepence – for a while.

The official exiled goverment would start to plan future of our people. There would be a good change to get a little baby boom for Singapore and that would help a lot us. Goverment would also ask help from other countries and alliances so that we would have the help we need when we start indepence war and open RW to Singapore City...

We are not neutral country anymore – we choosed our side when we joined Sol. We have been part of Sol as long as it has existed and now we have many friends and allies – friends who are ready to sacrefice themselves for us if needed to – why we shouldn`t be ready to do the same? It is our duty to help them if they need help and this is why we help Malaysia. Our malaysian friends are under attack – this is why we have to focus on what is going on there not just to worry what would happen if Indonesia will attack us. There is always that possibility, but let`s be realistic first and help our friends who need it and start worry if there is really need to. We have to remember that well thought words can done much more than 300 spartans.

I hope this article will help you to understand our current situation better. Don`t believe indonesians propaganda. Remember to read goverment`s articles!

The times of neutrality are gone – Singapore has choosed it`s place on the map and we have choosed Sol. With Sol will fight, we will suffer, we will win and we will loose. And we are proud to do all this.

This is Sols dawn and like sun we will rise!

Hail Singapore!
Hail Malaysia!
Hail Sol!

Erius, High Chancellor of Singapore