The Concept Of Training Wars Is Dead

Day 997, 00:49 Published in Argentina Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

Remeber the Old days where smaller countries (in terms of population) like eSingapore, eMalaysia, eChile, eColombia, eVenezuela, eThailand, etc conducted training wars among themselves to keep the fun and excitement and also gain experience.

But with V2 this concept has been destroyed for two major reasons:

1. I would state economy. a Mpp costs 100G unlike 30G long time ago. with today's economy there is less taxes collected and oversupply of products with erratic jobs, thus smaller countries are finding it very difficult gold for MPPs. thus leading to boredom for many citizens.

2. PVP - Being a player vs player, you need equal players on both sides to fight and get experience unlike old training wars where you could fight 15 vs 1 or else fighting 10 soldiers with 1000 on your side is basically of now use.

So another great feature wasted. only time will tell what happens to the smaller countries.
will they bored due to lack of wars or do they gather enough gold for an MPP to get experience for wars.

A Suggestion from my side:

Generally for smaller countries a congress is made up of 10-20 members, so this congress gold can be used up for further use. the gold collected can be collected and used for MPP to gather experience so that players stay interested in the game.

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