Something Fishy Going On In SO

Day 931, 20:08 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

Yesterday when the social office published an article asking for donation I was shocked.I can't remember when the social office has ever published an article before asking for nation wide donation.

Some people start to question why the government can't help the Social Office as it did in the past and the respond we got from the Prime Minister's Department

"Robin Hood broke into the bank over the weekend, and took all the gold. The gold was reportedly sent to ePhilippines to help their impoverished children! "

I would like to know this respond is just a joke or the real thing.If it is the real thing I would the government to publish an open article to eMalaysia public.In that article it must clarify few of this issues

1)What really happened to all the money in SO and why the gov can't supply money to SO?

2)If "Robin Hood" really broke into our coffer we would like to know how and what are the action that have been taken to take back the stolen money and what action have been taken or will be taken to prevent the same incident in the future.

After I did some investigation I found out that only 3 people in the past 27 days that have access on Social Office account and those people are

1) Spykerman

2) Mr. Aleph

3) Suzhaimiz

It seem 27 days ago MYR 1000 was given to SO but now they are gone.
There are about 10 items donated in this 27 days span.Our population are low and dropping so using money to buy gifts does not make any sense that MYR 1000 missing in 27 days.
I've asked both Spykerman and Mr Aleph to give their side of the story on this issue and here what they have to say


When I first started work at SO, I was also wondering who the hell was spending so much of MYR within a short period of time.

After questioning a few people and ended up with nothing, I decided to temporarily change the password to catch the culprit.

Lo and was none other than the then-CP suzhaimiz!

Anyway, when I was at SO, approximately 200-300 MYR were spent on gifts.

Hope that helps.

Mr Aleph

The truth of the matter was, over the last few weeks I was there as an aide, I saw a ridiculous amount of money dissapearing from the account. Some of it did seem to be spent on buying gifts, bread etc. but not the figures spent dint seem to make any sense. And I seemed to be doing most of the responses to people who PMed for help, so I wasn't even sure who was actually benefiting from the money.

When I contacted the minister in charge, Spykerman, she said that the only people who had access to the account was me, her and President Suzhaimiz. She also seemed to be mystified at the disappearance of funds.

This is all I know, and I can personally say that I only spent the equivalent of about 80MYR while I was there (about two weeks). Over these last two weeks, MYR200 would have been more than sufficient to look after the newbies who wrote for help, and those whose wellness was above 40-50 were not given direct help but encouraged to send gifts. So dont ask me where all the rest of the money went. Maybe there is a reasonable explanation, or maybe there was corruption happening on a massive scale.

I have to say, in the future, Congress should have more of an idea about who in government has access to which funds.

Now it seems that both agreed that they SO spend around MYR 500 in last 27 days period.Now from MYR 1000 they only used MYR 500.What happened the other MYR 500???Here we can see the weakness in the system it self.There are 3 people who have access on the Social Office account and if anyone of them are stealing we would never know who is doing it.Here I would like to suggest a few things and ways we can improve the system.

1)A more systematic inventory/finace management

-We should elected only 1 person to buy and stock gifts and moving tickets.That person must report directly to the congress on the quantity of the products he/she bought the amount of money used.He/she must notify the congress before he/she make the purchased.

2)Congress approval

-SO members must seek congress approval before he/she send any gifts or made any donation.This way we can keep track on how many gifts that actually spend on the targeted group.

Here I would like to state that I am not accusing any of those 3 as being corrupt and stealing money from SO.As you know there are a lot of hackers out there and I know a few who are staying in eMalaysia.Even thou hacking is something that we can't prevent but at least we know if there are something wrong and won't get the idea of SO being corrupt.