Running for the eFrance Congress for PEI

Day 606, 18:12 Published in Canada Israel by Chaim Dov

Fellow Prince Edward Islanders,

Today I stand for election for the eFrench Congress for my eCanadian comrades I ask you here today to vote for me for the upcoming elections. I promise to raise the concerns of Prince Edward Islanders and continue to oppose the French occupation of Prince Edward Island. We must remember our eCanadian values and morals and I will make sure that your opinions are respected.

Unlike other congress candidates I will propose you this you can message me for your concerns and I will answer them! I believe congressmen and women should be open to the voters and I will send out a message on what I have planned each week that I’m in office. Yes I am running under a French political party and banner but today I am running for the interests of all Prince Edward Islanders!

As you can see I am the only person running but I tell you I have not given up hope and faith that PEI will be liberated and returned to eCanada! I have the visions and the goals to be an effective congressman for the people of PEI. I will not be a congressman for eFrance but for Prince Edward Island. I care only for the people living on this island and I join and ask those to form political movements and parties in PEI to end any eFrench citizens from representing PEI. I am an eCanadian and I’m here to serve you!

Today Prince Edward Island is facing a major crisis; we must pay a ten dollar tax fee for living in our province! I for one do not support eFrance forcing us to pay taxes to fund their wars and economy. If I am elected to the eFrance congress I would let my voice be heard and try to my best efforts to stop this.

Because of the eFrance occupation the only hospital in Prince Edward Island was destroyed. Now I am going to go up to that congress if I am elected and demand that eFrance rebuild our only hospital. We did not want eFrance to control our province and they have destroyed something important on our island.

In the end I ask all those who have not fled to eCanada to have hope that one day we will be freed but for now we must come together and promote our eCanadian culture and heritage in which eFrance can not take away from us! We must remain hopeful and we must have courage to fight for our province and our country; eCanada.