Recruiting the best and we want you! Avengers Assemble!

Day 1,452, 10:51 Published in USA Canada by Thomas Arashikage

Do You have what it takes to join the most elite and mobile strike force ever?

The Avengers are looking for new recruits to join them in combating evil wherever it may lurk. Whether it be in Poland, Serbia or the inner realms of FYROM.

All members of the Avengers are free to fight wherever they choose as well as fight with the team on mission. Orders are updated daily at a minimum of 2-3 times per day to be able to obtain the military unit bonus.


Current weapons draw is 8 Q5 which are given to our working members daily upon request.

Food is Q5 for one full recharge per day per recovery rate per individual.

**Supplies are given once requested and work has been completed.**



Recruiting and Retention:

Current members are encouraged to recruit.
****Effective 11/24/2011****
All members who recruit another member will receive 5 gold upon that member staying for 60 days. The new member must be active in the commune and also fight daily.

If you're interested in joining such a prestigious group contact Chance Harrison ingame or via IRC #CH.

Anyone wishing to contact the Avengers for deployment can see us on #Avengers.

**Be aware both IRC chans are moderated so plz PM me if you need to address us.**

What are you waiting for?

Click here to join The Avengers today!

She's waiting....

The Avengers accept donations to further our awesomeness. Anything donated will be dispersed to our members.