Q1 house production, un profitable

Day 2,726, 05:51 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

I was seeing I was running low on work hours stored. Was thinking should I hire more employees?

but looking at houses. 4.5 work hours to complete. wages 60. cost to make house 270. houses are selling for 265.

So I have decided to stop producing houses.

I have 100 work hours that go towards house production. those employees will no longer be hired. Hopefully they can find another job in america before looking overseas for jobs.

i just want to do the math, because houses are unprofitable 100 emplyees have lost their jobs.

100*60 = 6000 8% tax 480 tax dollars lost.

that is almost 0.5% of the total tax paid daily to america!

but i have no way of figuring out how to fix the q1 house problem except outsourcing to foregin nations with lower wages 🙁

i will keep my wep and food industries working, but going from 115 workers daily to 15 workers is going to make me feel like a little guy now 🙁