PS. Plato this one's for you..

Day 3,703, 05:27 Published in USA USA by PlasticAlley
Fellow eRep tankers, friends & enemies,

starting the end of this month, i decided to go "2 click" mode and eventually leave the game.

Before i go, i would like to bid farewell to the people i played this game with and say
how grateful i am for meeting all of you very special people.

All those hours spent with all of you boys/girls/LGBQT in battles, Team Speak etc.
are really priceless and will take many years of Psychotherapy to heal, if ever.

I would also like to thank eRep labs.

For their continuous effort to make this a better game and all the successful events
they have created and hosted.

All my best wishes to the Hellenic community, which was and i think still is,
one of the biggest in this game.

Farewell Poland, you gave so many sausages to the rest of the world.

Goodbye my fellow Americans, you are and will always be in a class by yourselves.

I must admit that it has been very hard for me to leave because the game kept
re-inventing itself in numerous ways and kept me more and more interested.

But as much as i hate it, i must admit that i will never become a Legend like Plato.

Leaving all of you behind is very hard but i know that Plato will take good care of you.

May 2018 bring health and happiness to all of you.

There is one more thing:

See you on the other side..

PS. Plato this one is for you..

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