Patanok for CP - Cabinet Part I

Day 5,245, 15:23 Published in USA USA by Patanok

Hello everyone,

I hope this article finds you well. I wanted to go through some of my cabinet members and provide my plans in this article:

Vice President: Kody5
Kody5 has been an exemplary leader for the eUS and I am thrilled and honored to have him as my Vice Presidential candidate. He has skilled in Defense and Foreign Affairs and understands the meta-game well. I believe we work well together and can help me stay grounded in the upcoming month.

Chief of Staff: Chickensguys
Hen-in-chief, Chickensguys, will be Chief of Staff. CG is a multi-term President. As CoS, he can be tough but fair and ensure that we maintain our steady trajectory going forward.

Secretary of Foreign Affairs: Herr Vootsman
Vootsman has been eUSA's FA czar for over the past year. He has led us through some of our toughest times, stuck to and developed Asteria through thick and thin, and is a steady hand at our FA helm.

Secretary of Defense: Thee Dude
Four-time President, Thee Dude, has been an invaluable member of the eUS team, over the past years. With his positive attitude and high work rate in Defense, we can expect eUS to continue performing well in April.

Generally, my goals in external affairs are to continue building upon our successes in the past year and working with Asteria to achieve success on the battlefields. I will be posting my article about Domestics next.
