Our Hands

Day 2,570, 10:48 Published in India Croatia by Vijayakrishna

I was going to write down cabinet list n sleep but then once I typed in the word India, I could not move further and talk of just the cabinet.

The first thought that came was, to a community which is so diverse, what can I say to unite it?

A country with people who live in different climates, where language changes it's way for every few kilometers, different cultures, for that matter, different countries and races are here.

What do I posses to run it? What do I do to have my team work?

Do I invite all to give in some time towards government? Does one need to hold a title to do something useful?

What is the government going to achieve? Do I have it in me to lead? To walk along with all? Will I be able to reach the high standards?

I loved this quote when I saw it, for it spoke my heart in a sentence

“In India, even exceptions run into millions” ~Nirad Chaudhury

The modern Indian is thankfully questioning again, we used to before Christ, we are again doing it now.

I don't know, my mind at present is full of questions, so many that I could not make a formal article....

Maybe as some wise men say, I should just start with something and the confusion will clear over time.
We shall not stop at questioning but continue to explore till we find answer.

All I ask is to fight at the request of govt. volunteer to work, let's put our differences aside for time being, If everyone in this world are alike, then there is no meaning for these many to exist.

We need volunteers, any number we can get, you will be given work, do not think of reward, it's a game, if you are not involved and enjoying, earning fictional gold does not matter a bit.

Finally coming to cabinet let's see who is going to suffer in cabinet, erm I mean serve with me.

I am happy to announce that our eGOD Ashwamaedh agreed to be part of cabinet. I guess that itself is an achievement for a new one like me. He shall be acting as Prime Minister.

Henry Gone
, our cool headed buddy is continuing as MOFA and he will be pleased to get ambassadors. I am hopeful to get another region for us.

Destiny India, will be serving as MOE, he is in need of people to assist too, sply with the communes plan and other newbie retention and training related activities.

Last but not the least, Calvinhobbes, our ex CP is back into government as MOD, I hope he will bring in his experience for our plans. We need people to coordinate some battles, it might be 40 min or so

We Shall Unite and play. Let's have some good time here friends, together our hands will make our dreams a reality.

There are many others who will be working in background, not taking away light from them, I believe they deserve a special mention in a separate article for which you have to stay tuned.

Until then... take this as a call for volunteers!