Ostin : Which Alliance Should eIndonesia Join? (NWO/PANAM/NEUTRAL/NEW ALLIANCE)

Day 1,181, 20:59 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

Recently there was a discussion among our Govt members about which alliance should eIndonesia be a part of.

We all know EDEN and PHOENIX are on the verge of extinction.

Thus we are left with two alliances which is NWO and Panam

Nwo is composed of Spain, Poland, Hungary, Serbia

Panam consists of Usa, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, France, Japan.

How the countries will shift alliances?

Nwo has their common enemies in Romania, Croatia, Usa. Thus it automatically translates Romania and Croatia Joining Panam. Australia and Eden will support Panam since they are good friends with Croatia and Romania. Macedonia and Montenegro will join NWO since they are more closer to Serbia, which automatically translates Bulgaria and Greece joining Panam.Slovenia, Estonia, Germany will pair up with NWO owing to their closeness with Hungary and Serbia.
While Ukraine may go for Panam thus leading to Russia joining Nwo. so these are where the major countries of the world will shift. others may remain neutral or choose one of the two.

Where does eIndonesia stand?

Well eIndo has both friends and foes in both the alliance

eIndonesia can choose between;

1. Neutral
2. Panam
3. Nwo
4. New alliance

What if eIndo remains Neutral?

We all know that Neutrality in erep does not make much sense with the whole community stuck in between and eventually getting bored.

What if eIndo makes a new alliance?

Well this will bring twist to the story. Nothing much can be said for this as of now. but if we decide to build our alliance with our friends and other countries it will be a different thing and who knows can turn to be one of the best things for eIndo or one of the worst things.

What if eIndo joins Panam?

Yes we do have our old friends Brazil and Argentina in this alliance where we have worked together for so may ventures and attacks. but this also consists of Romania and Usa who are old own enemies. If you remember that in the beginning of erep Romania had tried to invade us, also there has been constant fights between Indo and Usa. Japan, who is also a member of Panam also opened the doors to Usa thus they could easily enter Asia. keep in mind that our Current Pres has set his eyes on Hawaii. Also PANAM invited us to join their alliance

What if eIndo joins NWO?

Well we have our best friends Hungary and our constant supporter Serbia who have always been there whenever we needed them in good times and bad times.Going with future shifts, NWO will contain most of our old friends like Russia, etc. I understand Spain and Poland are also part of the alliance but we didn't have much direct conflicts with them, it was there due to Eden and Phoenix. well even if this a as of now a regional allaince but lets see what happens next as it is a Europe centric alliance and we are far away.

So people of eIndonesia weight this options and say what do u feel will be more beneficial to eIndonesia.

According to you which alliance should eIndonesia be a part of?
NWO ,PANAM , Neutral or New Alliance?

Please Spread this article to all your friends, let us know through your comments which will be better and the reason behind it.

Which Alliance Should eIndonesia Join? http://tinyurl.com/5tbpadr

Sub and Vote people..

Well people for who do not know me, i was in hibernation for more than 6 months due to work, I was the Phoenix Treasurer, Mofa of eIndo for 6 times, 8 times Congressman, Party President, Social Minister, Newbie Guidance, Ambassador, Propagandist, Diplomat, etc.


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