Ostin: Phoenix Is Officially Dead (LK , W Aus , WSR, FER, ES all is Lost)

Day 1,052, 06:15 Published in North Macedonia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

Fisrt of all wow i cant believe i am actually publishing an article in Rep of Macedonia. nice. Montenegro is also too cool.
Welcome Macedonians and Montenegroians and Serbs living in Montenegro.

Back to topic.
I was 100% sure and knew that this sad day was sure to come one day or the other but i never told this in public.
Thus Lion King is Lost and also Western Australia (South eIndonesia) is lost too.

Face it guys its sad , but i knew this was coming.

How did i know this?
well i could see the attitude in the PHX HQ back then.things kept changing fast and then every PHX country was fighting against each other about something, you must have seen countries not helping each other for wars and scores of many other reasons. the countless wars and cold wars between certain countries was pretty obvious.

Blame it on the old leaders in PHX who have presided their power till now , and who does not have any other aims other than their personal benefits. they just want to be in power forever and dont give a damn about the alliance.
i have seen it all.

The alliance we all loved is dead now. sadly yes but PHX is Dead.

What next?
well all i can is that hope that there are new people or leaders and thus the entire PHX Hq is handled professionally and better still as a family where everyone bonds with each other really well.
As of now, Lets fight for Huns and Russia.

Keep Rocking,

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