Ostin: Hey eBrazil Start Counting Your Days

Day 1,399, 19:50 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

Well i was very inactive all these days...

But when i came online to do my usual Work+Train+Fight... i could not beleive my eyes..those eBrazilians attacked the original territories of eIndonesia.

Lesser Sunda Islands is attacked

This is heights..
Yes we attacked Eastern Cape but that is South Africa...

We all know that we had this cold war going war between us, but all the senior members know that we would not never attack our original regions...

Guess what you did it....Brotherhood my A** , start counting your days.

You gonna pay for this dearly.
Very soon you gonna see

Argentinian Friends , today we are attacked in OUR ORIGINAL REGION... Its your decision and i know you will make the right one.

Thank you for bringing eIndonesia alive with this war, believe me this war is more significant than china and Usa war...

BIA ...It never existed ... thanks for proving that...


eIndonesians and our friends lets get rolling and hit our enemy hard..

eIndo lets get ready to kick some Brazilians...there will be massive wars and Rw's soon....come to IRC soon..


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