Ostin: For The Wonderful Citizens Of eIndonesia & eSerbia (eIndo Version)

Day 1,032, 21:54 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

Please Vote the Serbian Version: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/ostin-for-the-wonderful-citizens-of-eindonesia-eserbia-eserbian-version--1518563/1/20

First things. No i am not back. i am here just for this one article.
many people told me in mails, FB and etc about eSerbia and eIndo fighting in the media.
This article i am writing from my own and no one has influenced me to write this article.

eIndonesia and eSerbia are the two most countries for whom i really care and love and i cant stand the fact that these two wonderful countries are fighting each other.

well to my knowledge this was already discussed among eSerbia, eIndonesia, eIndia, eMalaysia (TO Team), eThailand (TO Team), eAustralia(AND TO Team)

I do not understand where is the confusion.

To the congress of eIndo:
We all discussed that eSerbia will come to NT.
We have already discussed the benefits during the term Sapasaia was CP. this was also discussed when Kamijo as CP. and in return we were supposed to take Stone and i can say that this was agreed. so i fail to understand the confusion now.

Holy Land :
Yes i do understand that territory of eIndonesia is a holy land and its sacred but if you put yourself in the citizen shoes of another country their country is equally precious to them. we all love our own countries and if we help some friend to swap then we our lands value become even greater in the eyes of other countries as we have supported our friends here.

If eSerbia is present in Aussie along with eIndonesia then the South Eastern Part of the World will be ours forever .
Remember This:

just think on this:
eSerbia has always been supportive of us , whenever there was major wars , serbia has supported us on their own will. you must have heard of Guardian Angels, White Eagles, Archangels, Condors and so many more elites who have supported eIndonesia. and same goes for us . even we also helped them in Lionking Battles and others also.

So a win win situation for both good friends.

We have such a good history together and it breaks my heart to see such two great countries fight together. so guys please discuss this once again. The payment of the swaps has been discussed. 25th is not far away. so guys please make a strong decision. here in this game what matters most is Allies and good allies. and i know eIndo and eSerb are like two brothers. sure brothers do fight but its for the good and to make things interesting.

Everyone is mature here so guys please unite and fight on the same side then nothing can stop us ever.

Hail eIndonesia
Hail eSerbia
