Only Fight For Those Who Wanted To Help Them Self

Day 956, 22:21 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

As my article title suggested I had enough helping eMalaysia.Now I will put all my efforts to help those who not just in need of help but also wanted to help them self.eMalaysia is very lucky for a small nation because we have so many great people who are willing to sacrifice their time and money to help this country such as CDV,Mansour,Maruko81,Dr. Straatman,Vikta,Nagyzee to name a few but there are those who put their personal agenda first rather than the nation agenda.

eMalaysian Never Learned

Two days ago we were unofficially PTOed because of some unreliable congressmen to say the most either vote YES or didn't come at all to vote.I was angry with this fact not because we actually aloud Ghaybian to steal MYR 9000 right in front of our eyes but the facts that a congressman actually said this after the incident happened,

"This should be the biggest wake up call and there should be a meeting/debate in IRC before any congressman propose to issue gold or MYR in the future..."

P.S : by the way still want to know how you do the overlapping WTF CDV :{P

We have been doing that for months.Clearly this shows our congressmen are zombies and this is coming from a player level 21 I need to say more???

Here I will listed the names of congressman that took part on an important topic I just posted on the forum.

Pakatan Rakyat (66.7😵

1) eyex3

2) sunapo

FUP (20😵

1) Cratia_man

DPP (20😵

1) Spykerman

PAFP (100😵

1) Hajariyan

2) Zyleris

I've PM all current congressmen/women of eMalaysia and only 40% out of 15 congressmen/women come and discuss???There are also two more people in the discussion but I'm not sure who they really are but still if they are part of the congress the numbers who participate are disappointing.


Pakatan Rakyat members and I also felt betrayed on the last congress election.It took me about 6 hours to divert 20 of Pakatan Rakyat votes for DPP,PAFP and FUP but sadly
I was pushed out of the election.The funny part is Pakatan Rakyat can spend 20 votes for other parties but 90% votes for Pakatan Rakyat current congressmen came from our
own votes while the other parties only send 10% of votes.Nice job you guys.Thanks for stabbing us on the back.Rather than pushing active players like me,Clanky or Liquid Oxygen, you guys decided to pushed someone who never even made any comment on any article or even post a shout yet alone going to the forum and IRC.This tribal attitude has made eMalaysia lose MYR 9000.

Here I would also like to say that I will not be participating in any political movement in eMalaysia for awhile.I will leave Pakatan Rakyat to my student and close friend eyex3.I hope you will continue my works.

As I said before from now on I will only help those who want to help them self.Right now I'm helping eLatvia to free them self from the enslavement of Phoenix through eEstonia and eLithuania.Next I already have plans in mind.I've been called to help others who been oppressed by the Phoenix for far too long.

I guess this will be my last article about eMalaysia broken,sad and messed up political situation.As long as people attitudes not going to change than there is no use fighting for this country anymore.I'm just wasting my emotions and time here.I will gladly fight till the bitter end if others are willing to put aside their personal agenda and fight as one but I will not fight along side with those who thinks about the self first before the nation.

Me Giving Up On eMalaysia

I end this article with a quote from Colonel Stauffenberg, a German officers who tried to killed Adolf Hitler to save Germany from being destroy by a tyrant and a mad man.He sacrifice his life by the firing squad for the nation instead of his personal gain.

;- "The People Know We Put Our Principles Above Personal Gain"

Yours Truly,
Noveras "The Rebel"/"Marco Polo" <=== both nick given to me by CDV and Mansour 😁