one woman's manifesto

Day 1,099, 21:09 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

As a candidate for our Imperial Diet in the region of Kyushu, I hope to promote a government in accord with the following principles:

1. Upright Government: Government acting with honor both within the Empire and without, treating citizens with fairness and respect, and in foreign affairs seeking national honor rather than mere national interest;

2. Inclusive Government: Government seeking always to keep ordinary citizens informed and involved, fostering a decentralized approach in which any citizen with an interest may aid eJapan in some practical capacity, and where citizens, ministers, and congress representatives all work together for the good of the nation;

3. Attentive Government: Government openly explaining its initiatives in terms of the public good, and responsively listening to the honest concerns of loyal citizens, striving both to serve and to lead the people while mindful of the respect due all eJapanese as equals;

4. Responsible Government: Government honoring the trust of the people, working to build a safe and prosperous nation, acting practically to protect the national security without sacrificing the national honor, promoting national greatness through strength, wealth and culture;

5. Flourishing Government. Government encouraging diversity of thought, belief and opinion within a national culture strong enough to tolerate dissent, recognizing that a culture of dynamic variety will animate eJapan with vitality, and working to harness that energy toward the renewal of the Empire.