Numarul 3 - ziua 651 a noii lumi

Day 651, 07:39 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Stephan Condurachis


Este primul numar in editie bilingva: Romana si Engleza.
Lansasem un apel catre voi cei care scrieti orice tip de literatura ... ceea ce inseamna ca astept sa trimiteti prin PM mesajele voastre ... inca astept asa ca am mai pus o poezie de a mea este a IV-a. Sper ca in curand sa trimiteti si voi.


O tu fiinta cruda si haina,
Ce viata-mi tulburi din placere,
Ma chinui sadin si-n tacere,
Iar sufletul mi-l terfelesti prin tina.

O viata-ntreaga te-am iubit,
Si te iubesc si-acuma
Cand cerul negru-a devenit
Si fulgere-mi strabat inima.

O, tu, ramai acolo unde esti
Si nu raspunzi chemarii mele,
In vise greu ma chinuiestii,
Iar sufletul mi-l bagi in chinuri grele.

Te vreau a mea sa fi pe veci,
Sa ne iubim intruna,
Dar tu pe mine ma urasti
Si suferi ca nebuna.

Nebun am fost si eu
Cand te-am crezut ca ma iubesti
Si-acum ma-ntreb cum am putut
Ca sa te las viata sa-mi chinuiesti.

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The first number in the bilingual edition: Romanian and English.
Launched an appeal to you who write any type of literature ... which means they expect you to send your messages via PM ... still waiting so I put a poem of mine is the IV. I hope soon to send and you.


O you being cruel and clothes,
What my troubled life of pleasure,
I bother sadin and-n silence,
And my soul it terfelesti by Tina.

An entire life-I loved,
And I love you and now
When the sky became black
Cross my heart and lightning.

O you, stay where you are
And do not answer my call,
In dreams I chinuiestii difficult,
And my soul beneath heavy sorrows.

I want mine to be forever,
Love our meeting,
But me you hate me
And suffer as crazy.

I was mad and I
When I thought you love me
And now I wonder how I could
As you leave my life tortures.