New Military Dictatorship Party

Day 939, 01:17 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

For all the misrepresented Canadian soldiers out there that want and deserve better.

I have won todays PP elections for the Move to Narc party and have revamped it to become the first official Military Dictatorship Party. The new MDP's first goal will be to build a small base membership of like minded individuals to make a charter and party goals. If you believe soldiers of eCanada should be running the show and placed in all facets of govt lets rock and roll.

Soldiers outnumber businessmen and current politicians by a large amount and they should be ruling with an Iron fist. They should answer to us not the other way around. Don't be quiet in the crowd stand up and call them out. Say what you want and how you feel. Be the outspoken jerk if you think it will make a diffrence. Take a chance and see what happens.

I implore any and all soldiers disaappointed with this countries current govt systems and wanting a solid change to sign up for the MDP immediately. Be you CAF, TCO or just a plain independent soldier of fortune looking to make a diffrence. No more lost gold and misplaced funds of sketchy businessmen leading the nation.

If your a take no BS type of character and want that to reflect even more in the game sign up and lets raise some hell. Raising hell in the end is a lot more fun than just being a sheep in the current political system. Join now and lets mold this party and one day the country together.

Soldiers have Pride
Soldiers are Patriots
Soldiers want War and leadership with Accountability

Rylde first Party President of the MDP