My Resignation From Congress

Day 936, 08:25 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras

I've been here for more than 6 months now and been in the congress 3 times.Since my first month here I've been hearing a lot about people demanding the government to be more transparent in it's financial to prevent or at least to detect corruption but in the end it fell on a deft ears.I again raise this issue and again the government begin to sing the same old song

1)We have no one to write weekly reports on the budget.

-I my self offered my service to do a weekly report for SO but I was denied and I know a few more are ready to take the job so there are no excuse.

2)It is hard to find a trustworthy people

-May be they consider me as being "corrupt" so my request was rejected but there are people who been serving loyally to the government for a long time so again no excuse.

My resignation from congress is a sign of protest.The people have been demanding the government to be more transparent in every aspect.I don't want to be a part of something that don't bring any good to the nation.

I'm also tired of how a group of players that better known as "eMalaysia Gods" or I prefer to call them the "Master Puppeteers of eMalaysia" make all the decision.No matter what you discuss if they said no than nothing will change.Some people from this group of people are also the biggest thief in eMalaysia and most of us are fooled by them and praise them as "God".

I manage to win a seat in congress because the people choose me but if I can't serve the people than I will give back the power that was bestowed on me by the people back to the people.