My Personnel View On eMalaysia Corruption

Day 936, 08:05 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Noveras
Corruption Issues

As most of you know that recently eMalaysia was hit a big blow.In a week our believe in the governmet and on eMalaysia it self have been shake to the core.In one week two "high profile" corruption in the government are revealed to us.Personally for me when I found out that Social Office lost MYR 500 and 800 Gold was stolen from the government I felt like someone just slap me on the face.

I've been following the flow of money in the government coffer and Social Office more than a month and I know corruption are rampaging in the government but because I don't have any hard proof I just share this with a few close friends.I've learned first hand that in eMalaysia you should not talk when you don't have any proof but when an article published by Social Office appealing donation from eMalaysian I see my opportunity to bring this up.I never knew that it will become the begining of the storm in eMalaysia.A few days after I raised this issue on the public the current government released an open statement on the 800 Gold was stolen which make everything from a normal storm to a full F5 tornado.

I will not touch much on the missing 800 Gold because I don't really have any concrete evidence on that but CDV claimed that our last country president,Suzhaimiz is the "Robin Hood" that stole those 800 Gold in this article.I think this claimed have some basis and I can actually see the connection between the missing 800 Gold with the missing MYR 500 in Social Office.Here why I say this

1) Both incident happened during Suzhaimiz term as president.

2) Only Suzhaimiz have the access for both the country coffer and SO at that time.

3) Suzhaimiz refusal to defend him self in this case and his absenty in the SO issue.

4) Using Spykerman name to defend him self in the 800 Gold missing.

I've known people are stealing money from the government coffer for a long time.I did not say that Suzhaimiz is the one who stealing the gold becauseI have a few other suspects too but Suzhaimiz just my prime suspect.I always believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty but his actions in the past week really put him self in the hot spot.

Suzhaimiz Article

Suzhimiz dint even demand that CDV to publish his "evidences" to public which really shocked me.Suzhaimiz also tried to divert the issues and bring up political differences which is just a total rubbish for me personally.I know that some of the biggest stealer in this country are not from FUP.

FUP effort to make this issues from a national issue into some 2 cent political gimmick also make me want to vomit.It just disgusted because FUP is also known to do the same thing to DPP,PR and other parties in the past.


In the end of the Suzhimiz article he told everyone to move out of eMalaysia.For me that is just a plain treason towards this country.I always believe that what you do in here reflect who you are in RL and what he did just just disgusted me.No matter what happened a person should never betrayed his/her country not even in a game.