Moo for President

Day 1,077, 12:29 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead
Why am I Running
You go through this game trying to achieve new things because it is entertaining. After you have done them for a bit you get a little bored and try something new. Politics in this game was starting to look less entertaining for me. Then came the last two government thefts which really made me question whether this game is actually worth playing. They were both based on greed and done cowardly, and took all the fun out of this game for me. I thought about trying something new. After thinking about it, I realized it is only boring if you keep doing the same things over and over again. Our government does not need that. We need a lot of changes , please read what I would change below and if you agree with me give your vote on the 5th of November.

Who am I
I asked an Irish girl to dance late one night in a bar in NJ and now find myself living in a rural part of Monaghan. Funny how one conversation takes you down a path in life. I have been playing this game since August 2009. I have been a PP 5X and am co-founded the EFTS. I have been a TD 6 times, MoF 2x, ambassador to EDEN, and MoFA. I have been VP of Ireland 5 times and Cp once before. I was Irelands top soldier in V2, won 2 Rws, and have dabbled a bit in newspapers and business. For the last 6 months I have been involved in most of the good and bad things that have happened in Ireland. I am also the guy with the silliest name in the country and the worst speller. I have been voted most trusted politician twice and recived a life time achivement award recently. I have the experience to know what to do and still have the commitment to get the job done.

Government Reform
The rules of the game and the amount of people playing have changed a lot recently, but our model for government has not. I think we need radical change in how the government works. We need a smaller government with fewer ministers giving more responsibility back to the Dail. We need ministers that are empowered to make dictions and have there own budget to do so. We need to concentrate on player retention as our largest threat.

Most state companies will be sold off. They are an asset that can be stolen too easily and supplies can be obtained on the open market easiser. Weapons companies would not be melted down but sold off if we can get true value, if not they would sit empty till next CP comes along. If the rules on gun use change then this will be reviewed. The VP in my goverment will be in charge of goverment asset security. They will be the sole person with acess to the new bank and will be responsible for chainging passords and emails of all goverment orgs. I am pleased to anounce that my VP will be DIGITS.

-The goverment would only have 5 postions in it beside myself, VP, MoF, MoD, MoFA, MoNC

-I would sell off all state companies except two and mouth ball most government orgs

-I would pass all the other jobs to the Dail, recruitment, community, technology, information, Health, Education but give them support in setting up structures and committee to manage these responsibilities.

-I would give a % of the weekly tax take to the 4 ministers in order to achieve the goals I have set out below.

The Army
Working with EDEN has created a need for a different type of army. Every day there are battles in the world and we are expected to send soldiers to help. To do this I would create a professional Army as opposed to the current militia we have. The MoD would get a weekly stipend of 35% of the tax take to fund this army. The army would have 10 high ranking active players in a mobile unit They would all have identical aviators and it would be a honor to serve They would work at the only state company a Q5 food, for free. The MoD is in EDEN and knows 24 hours a day what the critical battles are so no need for direction from CP or MoFA. If mainland Ireland gets attacked the government would hand out food to all citizens.

Weapons will only be handed out to the profetional army in only in critical battles. It is much more economical to fight food only and heal back up next day with a house.

-Will retain a stratic stock of food at Q5 company in case of war.

The governments job is to make sure there is a large selection of affordable products on the mareket and well paid jobs for all. Currently we do not have enough workers and the selection on the markets is low with higher prices. To Stimulate Economy I would propose the MoF 15% of budget.

-Lower all import taxes to 5% to bring new cheaper products on to our market

-Income tax to 15% and vat 10% across the board

-Subsidize export licenses to Irish business by paying 25% of any licence, this will help the trade imbalance caused by the lower import tax and the iep exchange rate.

Foreign Affairs
MoFA would get 35% of the tax take for MPP, attack costs, and major deployments like the RW's in Bolivia. There job is to find a mission each month for us to take on.

-We will attack mainland UK this month. Will we be successful? Will we have support? I do not know, but one thing I can promise is it will be fun. Not much more to be said after that is there. We have never had a better time to do this in eHistory, we need to take advantage of it and stop being in fear.

-Lastly we will write travel or world affairs articles. Need to make the game more interesting by getting people to understand the bigger picture.

New Player Retention
MoNC 15% of budget. This is a huge amount for this ministry but I think we need to invest in the future now. We are slowly dieng and if we do not get new blood involved this we get boring fast. This might not be the sexiest monster job but I think it is the most important next month. We are getting twenty new players a day joining again but are lucky to retain 1. It is not the most interesting thing to log in and just work and train. We need to show new players in the first week that there is more to this game then that. To make life simpl for keeping track of new players the secound state comapany will have job offers up for level 1 aprentices higher then the market rates. That way all new players start there and we will not have to depend of APP to find them.

-Every Sunday night we will have a noob fight night, give them MT, guns, and food and send them some place in the world as a unit to change the course of a battle.

-We will publish a weekly article with a short bit about each new player. Everyone loves reading about themselves.

-A new mentoring program will be started around the ingame chat room.

-We will send PM out like crazy to new members offering help and explaining to them about the game.

-Smaller government more power back to dail
-Create a professional army
-We attack mainland UK this month
-Focus in on new player retention

Vote Moo for CP, thank you.