MoD January Address.

Day 414, 01:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

Phew, I've finally found some time to write one of these after a rather hectic end to last month!

I'm happy to announce that I will be continuing the role as your Defence minister throughout January.

There has been a massive reform of the reserves over the last 2 weeks, and I owe my thanks to Squiddy, Hassan and recently HazzN, who've all pulled together and done a fantastic job so far.

The Royal Navy is now in full swing, and training has already begun for some members! Over the course of this month, the Navy will be a hive of activity as we vet and try out potential new paratroopers.

The Royal Guard, after a little shaky start, is finally being sorted fully and new squads and sgts should be announced sometime this week.

Paratrooper entry requirements are now officially set, and are avaliable here:
If you don't quite make the grade, don't worry - the Navy's here to train you until then!

So, as a rundown of how we're formed at the moment:

Royal Guard - UK-bound infantry. People interested in a casual career in the military, wanting to help where they can.

Royal Navy - UK-based mobile unit, may be stationed offshore for training exercises, although not a requirement. The main stepping stone to the paratroopers.

Paratroopers - Fully mobile response unit, highly trained, highly active and well equipped.

SAS - The best of the best. Colonel Rank or higher paratroopers with extremely high activity.

If you're interested in joining our military, I cannot stress enough the importance of the eUK forum @ . It contains everything you need to know about eRepublik, along with guides, articles and generally very helpful stuff.

See you on the battlefield soldier!

Ip Lockard
eUK Minister of Defence