Ministers Chosen and Other News

Day 293, 06:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Since this hasn't gotten much air play, I am going to post this as part of my announcement.

Written by KIA yesterday:

President (P) - KIA Sneak


Minister of defence (MoD) - Widdows9000
Apprentice: Deilos(😉

Minister of foreign affairs (MoFA) – Tim09
Apprentice: Ip Lockard(😉

Minister of Work (DoW) - Cheeseball
Apprentice: Keitarour
Apprentice: Rayf Drayson

Minister of trade (DoT) - Dish
Apprentice: funky44(😉

Minister of finance (MoF) - Bremer

Minister of Information – Hassan Pesaran

Minister for Minorities – RonaldChris

Overall, the apprenticeship scheme saw a makeover, so we have three non-Congress apprentices this month. This, especially to me, is delightful as I do not see Congress or Political affiliation as important to who can do the better job and KIA has chosen some good people. I think you'll see some great productivity out of not only our Congress but our cabinet this month.

On a personal note, I've already begun analyzing food exports for all remaining Erepublik countries. Due to not having wars to stimulate the economy until V1, this means we're going to have a month or more of overproduction to deal with, and exporting is going to play a key role. I will continue my analysis tonight on housing, gifts (which currently are low in stock so they can wait), and moving tickets. Weapons are also still high in demand at the moment, so they can wait a week.

I would also like to remind GM's that are thinking of exporting goods to look at our current trade agreements. They mean lower import taxes, so it's easier to sell at more competitive prices to those countries. If any GM has any questions about exporting, then please contact me. I am a very easy person to get ahold of.

AIM: Dishmcds1

See a pattern there?

Anyhow, I have exported my own goods to 15 different countries over 5 months, and have made a good living doing so. I can offer you advice if that's what you seek. I would also like to remind any GM's that exporting is not an overnight get rich quick scheme. It's a long process of establishing yourself in someone elses community. The ROI will not happen immediately.

Now, on to other news:

Both the PCP and UKRP are replacing members of Congress due to a bug in the Party Positioning System. Frufru is being replaced by Deilos, and Juju Bartega is being replaced by Pagan in our House of Commons.

I would also expect to see the Transparency in Commons start sometime this week, when we can move the Foreign Relations/National Security motions out of public view. Those are going to be the only thing not shown to the public for obvious reasons.

So, we've seen a busy first week in Commons. As promised, here's my own personal report of who has and hasnt been omnipresent in discussions:

Paddyohale: Paddy has been busy lately, but has managed a presence in the HoC. I hope he can continue to contribute there.
Kaleb (access problems)
Katie (Uni)

Hassan has taken the role of MoI, and will begin (I assume) publishing weekly reports on the HoC, along with the open Commons so you can know how hard your Government works to keep the UK functional.


(Soon to be ex-PP of UKRP)