Marines head to London !

Day 818, 14:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Horice G Fossil

Dish visits the Marines CO Tom Morgan
and issues orders to head for London...

"The eMerkans have finally found the balls to attack,
get your lads there and kick thier arse for me !"

Tom get's stright on the phone and sets the ball rolling...

"Horice,it's Tom here get 41 and 43 commando
ready we've order direct from the Boss"

Marines pack up and head for home....

"Careful with that Veedo it's got Dakotablues Vodka stash in it"

from all over the eWorld Marines head for London....




On arrival in the London area petros13
and the recon team check the situation

"Borthas radio command and tell them i've found a breach in the wall"

thehorseltd,Matt Smidley,Apotygma and
Avempace move forward to investigate....

"Not a worry guys,no Yanks are going
to get thier fat arses through this"

So the advance into London continues....

A shout goes up at the front of the collum...

"Trooper_c says he's spotted another hole in our wall !"

Marines quickly deploy around the area then
Spygon send WelshLad forward to investigate....

Peering through the breach WelshLad sends
Tony83 back with his report....

"WL says he can't see but it sounds like
the yanks are sending in thier tanks"

Evilpaperclip and Marvin Hagler move
forward to get a better look....

"WTF is that ? it's huge"

As it bounces off the London
wall they realise what it is ....

"It's Josh Frost the US fail Tank!"

The Marines are ready to defend London

are you doing your part ?


.........................HERE !.........................

Have you got what it takes ?
